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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hot Young Bloods-4


Next day in the morning, Joong Gil  finds his dad wearing the same "ugly" brown trouser that he had dumped in the trash earlier. Gwang sik and his gang go to Joong Gil's school to beat him ( Since he believes that Joong Gil has laid his hands on his girl Young Sook). after hearing the same Joong Gil runs to Hongseong high school's (his own school) gang leader and incite him against Gwang sik. Both Hongseong school's gang and Gwang Sik's gang are all set to fight off with each other when suddenly the "smart" girl, whom Joong Gil had earlier dated and dumped, tell something to Hongseong's leader, which makes him call off the fight.(that's karma for you..)

Even monkey 1 & 2 leave a scared Joong Gil behind but they run to Young Sook and tell her the whole story. She rushes to the game center (lair of Gwang Sik's gang) to rescue Joong Gil who is being beaten. She saves him bye taking out an acid bottle from her pocket and threatening the gang then she asks Joong Gil to leave ahead of her. Once he leaves she handovers the bottle to Gwang Sik, daring him to throw the acid on her face as she leaves.

A bitterly bruised Joong gil, who was waiting for Young Sook in the vicinity of the game center, leaves together with her. He limps his way through his home but refuses any help from Young Sook. She stops him in the track and shows him the compass, he had given her years back that she still carries with her all the time, asks him if he remember this compass. He nods his head. She questions his reason for giving it to her. He replies because he had two of them. His words hit her hard. She apologizes for the mess caused due to her and assures him that it won't happen again.She bids him goodbye but he abruptly asks her crush, that why does she like him so much. she states she just does. He confesses that he too had feelings for her back in their childhood but when his dad and her mother got involved he gave up on those feelings. Hearing this, she quietly mumbles that such things never mattered to her. He asks her to repeat her words but she quickly says that it's good that he gave up and throws off the compass from the bridge (they were standing on) and leaves, completely heartbroken.

While Young Sook spends her time mindlessly working at her mother's restaurant Joong Gil recalls a memory from his past. He remembers how one day when he came back from school his grandmother told him about his father who had returned back from South Arab after 8 years. She also tells him that his mother had left him and his brother although she did not tell him any reason for her departure but after seeing his drunkard father coming home in the arms of Young Sook's mother's, he knew it was because of his father's indiscreet infidelity, his mother had left home. Later that day, when the child Young Sook came to play with him at his home, he pushed her (making her fall to the ground) and told to her to leave.

A few days later while Joong gil is waiting for So-hee in front of her home, with a gift in his hands,She is being kidnapped by Gwang -Sik's minions from a grocery store. Gwang -Sik tells her that since Joong Gil touched his girl he is going to extract his revenge by doing the same to his girl.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lee and Ms. Na come out of a movie theater after watching an adult movie which they had presumed to be about horses since it was titled 'Horse Lovers.' They both feel a little "hormonal" after watching the movie thus go to a secluded alley and have world's most weird kiss.

           Plenty of lip locks between these two teachers...way to set an example for students!

They hear some muffling sound in the alley. Coincidentally, So-hee was being held in the same alley. (why were they keeping her in a dark street instead of taking her to their lair?) Up on hearing her muffled scream both the teachers venture inside the alley, which makes Gwang-sik and gang abscond from the scene. Teachers drop a scared So-hee to her place, where she meets Joong Gil. After seeing her condition he asks her about the situation, she just slaps him saying that if he truly likes her then he should go and kill Gwang-Sik.

He starts stalking Gwang Sik in order to sneak an attack but needless to say his little stint is busted by Gwang-Sik. He corners Joong Gil on a secluded road and after seeing a Swiss knife (the same one So-Hee gifted him) Gwang -Sik asks him if he is there to kill Gwang with the knife. He dares Joong gil to do so but Joong gil being Joong gil can't even hurt a little finger of him. He asks Joong gil to count til 50 and for every number Joong gil gets a slap from him. Utterly humiliated Joong gil returns home and starts practicing boxing under the supervision of monkey 1 & 2.

Next day at night, Young Sook is smoking quietly on the stairs in the village. she is looking at a bus ticket to Seoul when Gwang Sik joins her and tells her about Joong Gil's last night stunts. She asks him till when does he want to continue harassing Joong Gil and he should just stop as she has already given up on Joong gil. Gwang-sik retorts back that if that is so then he can go and kill Joong Gil. She stops him and asks what does he want. He asks her back if she is ready to throw off her title of "leader" for Joong Gil (since she is rejecting Gwang, she is breaking off her alliance with him) She tiredly says if that is what would make off Joong gil's tail then she is ready to do so. Dejectedly he asks if she ever had any feelings for him. She blatantly refuses. He leaves and tells one of Young Sook's minion (now ex minion), who was lurking behind in the dark, that title is hers. That minion and rest of the gang challenge Young sook in order to depose her.(why whole questions are really piling up)

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