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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hot young Bloods-5

This is the fifth and last installment of this movie's recaps. There are plenty of reasons to watch this movie and a few reasons to not watch. In my opinion if you want to watch a light and easy on mind movie, that you can watch and forget, than go for this one. Though I admit that the climax was not as good as the rest of the movie and feels rushed but still it's an enjoyable watch, Try it and share your views.....

Recap -5

Next day when Joong Gil again goes to challenge Gwang Sik, he refuses to fight, tells Joong Gil that he is letting both Joong and So-hee off his radar. Since Joong Gil does not understand the drastic change in Gwang Sik's attitude, he is perplexed and decides to clear the air about past matters as well and thus says that Gwang's sister did not run away because of him...........

After being beaten again and this time due to his own stupidity, Joong gil goes back home where his father inquires about the wounds on his face. His father scolds him for being so irresponsible towards his own life, first a player and now gangster (hahaha gangster....if only he knew the truth that his son is nothing but a punching bag for a gangster) 

His father asks him if he feels sorry to his mother whose picture he still has in his room. Joong Gil bursts and tells his dad that he has no right to talk about his mother since it's because of his infidelity that Joong gil and His brother don't have their mother with them. His dad slaps him, he goes ballistic and starts throwing and breaking things in his room. Hearing this his brother runs to his room and slaps him hard. (poor guy...getting slapped by almost everyone)

His brother then tells him that their mother left them willingly and it was never because of his dad, In fact their mother was having an affair and she left with that guy.Their father took the blame to protect Joong Gil's heart from the cruel truth behind their mother's abandonment. Joong gil refuses to believe it. His brother urges him to go and search their father's closet. He promptly does that and finds it filled with her mother's things, kept as the way they were when she used to live there. The commotion brings His grandmother to the scene. She sees his mother's clothes in the closet. She starts complaining to his father, who had allegedly brought the clothes back even though she clearly threw them away.  She again tries to throw them away but his dad pleads her to stop since he is still waiting for his wife to come back home and wants to keep the room the same way as it was. They both (Joong Gil's dad and grandmother) start crying. seeing the pitiful condition of his family Joong Gil leaves and spends the night at the station numbly.

Next morning while riding the train he overhears monkey 1 & 2 talking about how Young Sook was beaten badly by her own gang last night. when one of them asks why did she not fight back other one snickers may be she wanted to protect Joong gil. Ignoring their jabber, Joong gil gets up to go to washroom where he meets Gwang sik. Joong Gil flinches and closes his eyes off after being lightly slapped by Gwang sik. Seeing this Gwang sik asks him to open his eyes as she did not even blink once while getting hit. Gwang sik laments why did she throw herself off for a fool.

At this point Joong Gil adds two and two, realizes how Young Sook had sacrificed herself in order to save him and So-hee from Gwang Sik's gang. In flashback. Young sook is seen being beaten black and blue by her gang, Post this epiphany- moment Joong Gil goes mad and in a fit of rage attacks Gwang Sik. Even though Gwang Sik easily overpowers him, he manages to throw a couple of good punches and keeps on trying relentlessly to throw some more. All Gwang Sik's minions and Joong Gil's friends also jump into their fight. In the middle of this chaos somehow Gwang sik and Joong gil fall down from the train (which was, at that moment, running on the bridge) in to a river. Though both of them reach the shore safely, after swimming through the river but only Joong gil is conscious.

He staggers his way to Young Sook's home, with the white shoes around his neck. (they are the same shoes, originally gifted by Young Sook to him but snatched away by Gwang sik and now since Gwang sik is unconscious Joong gil takes them back.) After reaching her home he bewilderingly calls her name but is informed that she has already left for Seoul. He sits back on a bench in the school play ground with the books and letter she left behind, watches the same 'running girl' sprinting lapse after lapse. In the letter Young Sook has written, she tells him that she is going in search of something because through out her life her goal was him and now she needs a new aim. she asks him to get serious about his life, instead of aiming to be a sailor look for a new meaningful goal. She implores him to read well and do well because she sincerely believes in his ability.

 Some time later, So -hee approaches Joong gil using the same method he had used earlier (writing a cheesy line) asking him to meet her in the same Chinese restaurant. Monkey 1 & 2 keep guessing about whether Joong gil will go or not. It turns out that he really does go but not to meet her, in fact he goes there to return the Swiss knife and order noodles (as his apology) for So-hee and leaves before she arrives. Angrily she too leaves.

Back at Joong Gil's home his sailor uncle comes to visit. His uncle introduces his fiance to Joong Gil and rest of the family. His fiance is really taller bigger and larger than the uncle. Everyone is shocked whereas Joong gil is disappointed he truly thinks that his uncle has lost his mind.

His uncle explains that the true beauty of a girl lies in her heart, which in this case truly and deeply loves him. Uncle tells him that he can trust his fiance with his life. he asks Joong gil if he still wants to be a sailor, who refuses saying that he has something else to do in his life now.

Many years later its shown that Kang Joong gil, who is now a top graduate in animal studies from state university, visits Young sook who is working as a mere seamstress in a garment manufacturing factory. He confidently walks in that factory with a flower bouquet and gives her that bouquet and the compass, (the one she had earlier thrown away) He takes her in his arms and walks out.

In the end, as the credits roll a wedding picture of Young sook and Joong gil is shown, hanging on a wall in a home where an infant is crying. In program running on the television a reporter is covering a live interview of a female runner (she is the same "running girl") who has broken a new record. when reporter asks her about her reason behind the extremely vigorous running regime in her high school days, she says at that time she had too much energy and vigor since she was a hot young blood.

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