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Friday, March 27, 2015

Hot young bloods 3

hey guys, Let me forewarn you about this post, I typed this recap at midnight with half closed eyes and exhausted brain so it may have lots of typos, mistakes and grammatical errors. I will be uploading new chapter of flash marriage tomorrow. Stay tuned!! now time to catch some Zzzzzz....

Recap 3:

So-hee gifts a Swiss knife to Joong gil for helping her the other day. He quickly invites her for Chinese food and movies but gets rejected for both. He asks her about how she used to pass her spare time back in city, she replies with things like roller skating but it's not possible to do the same in this village due to lack of proper place. He offers her to take her to one smooth plane ground where they can do skating. When she agrees, he takes her to an empty swimming pool. So-hee enjoys herself while novice Joong gil keeps struggling with it. He gets hurt after falling down with the Swiss knife in his back pocket. So she takes it (the knife) from her. Seeing a motor bike So-hee expresses her desire to ride one, he again offers her but she questions his driving skills but he shows off saying there is nothing in this world he can't do. (And nothing he does.)

                                                    Dating Joong Gil style!!!


While walking through the village, they accidentally see a tired Young-sook working hard for her family restaurant. So-hee comments how imperative it is to have a good family in order to have a nice upbringing but Joong gil tries to defend Young sook by calling her trustworthy. So-hee keeps probing by asking him if he knows that Young-sook likes him but he calls the thought scary. Young sook, who has also seen them together earlier, pitifully cries her heart out after feeling completely dejected in front of her indifferent mother. (aww…)
Joong gil takes So-hee to his "Chinese restaurant" and after lunch he tries to hold himself back from holding or touching her but while chatting, unintentionally, puts his hand on her thighs. This angers her and even though he keeps on apologizing, she tries to leave. When he tries to stop her, he angers her more.

                             1001 ways how to kill your first date by Joong Gil


A fuming So-hee lashes out on him about his character and his ugly brown trousers and storms out.(I advocate her opinion here. Those trousers on your dream date are a big no-no). A disgraced and disheartened Joong gil returns home and tears off the picture of his girls classmate, which he had kept with him as a reminder of his earlier conquests. Next day he dumps his "ugly" trouser in a trash bin before leaving for school.(good decision). After getting neglected by an angry So-hee in the school corridor he gets more depressed and does not even notice poor young sook who is also standing in the corridor and watching him.

Gwang Sik asks Young sook to deepen their relationship which she blatantly refuses. When he threatens to hit her, she calmly calls his bluff, saying she can hurt him more. In the classroom Young-sook notices a pack of cigarettes in a small purse dropped from So-hee's desk. She returns it to So-hee and asks if she is a lung patient then why does she smokes. So-hee tries to deny but Young sook doesn't listen to her.

Exasperated, So-hee asks Young sook to meet in private. So they go to washroom where So- hee asks young-sook to overlook what she saw earlier in the class since so-hee wants to have a peaceful school life. When young sook asks her what she means, she takes off her shirt and starts fighting with Young sook.(WTH…) The news of their cat fight spreads like fire and when it reaches Joong gil's ears, he along with monkey 1&2 rushes to the washroom.

After receiving a punch from So-hee, Young sook is about to retaliate when Joong gil and others blast in. Without knowing the whole situation he starts accusing Young-sook of terrorizing a poor, weak and fragile girl like So-hee.(ugh….) 

Later, at principal's office both girls' parents are called to sort out the matter but they turn out to be more immature than their kids and start fighting with each other. Ultimately, it's Young sook who puts a stop on their fight. When So-hee's father calls her a barmaid's daughter, she gets deeply hurt and decides to drop out from school. She packs her stuff and leaves. Before leaving the school premises she turns around to have a last look at the school building and then throws her school bag on the playground. This is seen by Joong gil from his classroom's window.

On her way back she reminisces about her past. Whenever she used to forget to bring the stuff asked in the class Joong gil would lend her his, saying he had two. Once he had given her his geometry compass because of which he got punished in his class. Since then he had become a hero in her eyes and she still carries that compass with her.

                                The infamous compass that made Joong Gil her hero


Joong gil drops some pain relieving medicines at So-hee's place and meets monkey 1 & 2. They warn him to no to go to their hideout as they had seen Young-sook there. He still goes there and chats with Young sook. Though they are awkward at first but gradually they open up. After seeing her swollen face, he curses So-hee's father assuming it was him who hit her. Even though it was So- hee who had punched her, young sook does not correct him.


While drinking soju (alcohol) they discuss their future plans. Joong gil wants to be a sailor like his uncle but young-sook's plan is blank as paper. After that she forces him to leave and lies down to sleep on a worn-out couch. After consuming alcohol she decided to sleep at the hideout. He returns back to the hideout (it's basically a storage room that belongs to Joong gil's father) with some medicines. He takes care of a drunkenly sleeping Young sook which wakes her up. 

They are about to kiss when a jealous So-hee deliberately interrupts them by throwing the Swiss knife at Joong gil from the door (she went there to meet him but how did she know he was there is a mystery to me) He hurriedly runs after her and tries to placate her anger but she still leaves. Once again Young sook is left behind alone. She is walking back to her home gloomily in the dark night when Gwang sik, who pops out of nowhere, interrogates her. where she is coming back from and what is she up to. When she refuses to explain, he accuses her of having a tryst with Joong gil and she retorts back with 'so what'.

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