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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hot young bloods: 2

Recap part 2: 

In the train the male leader of Hongseong high school challenges Gwang sik (who is the leader of rival school's gang) and they decide to have a face off at the station. of course gwang sik is the last man standing. From the crowd spectating the fight Young sook zeroes in Joong gil and confronts him about his reasons for not coming for their "date" He tells her that he did not feel right about the date since she is Gwang sik's girl  (due to the alliance b/w Young sook and Gwang sik everyone believes that they are a couple) She reassures him that it's just their alliance and nothing else.He retorts back that she can't force him to court her since he does not love her. Their conversation is interrupted by Gwang Sik , who leaves with Young sook.

Joong Gil sends a message written on dried leaf to So-hee through monkey 1 but at his usual dating spot "Chinese restaurant" its Young sook who meets him. she informs him that his date isn't coming when he asks why she counter questions  why does he likes So-hee. he replies because she is pretty (this guy is really shallow....but at least he is honest about it) she angrily leaves.

In the school play ground Joong gil  and monkey 1&2 are observing and discussing "the running girl" whom they had always seen running around in the garden. they try to think of various reasons for her vigorous running since she can't be practicing running as their school does not even has a track team. Joong gil confidentially says that the girl is in love with one of her cousin thus is practicing so that she can run away with him in the future. All of them conclude that she is an idiot. (these guys are hopeless) Joong gil notices So-hee sitting alone at the far end of the playground on a bench and approaches her. he softly asks if she was busy yesterday. when she tries to leave, he calls her back and tells her that she left something behind and makes a heart with  both his hand (ugh....) she leaves speechlessly.

At gil's home, his dad and a friend of his dad are talking when Joong gil comes back from school but he goes straight to his room without greeting either of them.( one can totally smell bad blood betweenn them)At school picnic Young sook and a few of her minions find and a lonely So-hee who is coughing vehemently and painting a really horrendous landscape painting on her canvas. Mr. Lee and homeroom teacher of girls class,Ms Na are urged by both guys's and girls's who have gathered around for recreation activity to sing a duet. Joong gil tricks So hee in performing in front of the class. she sings a nice beautiful English song. all the boys,mesmerized, look at her with heart eyes but girls get green with envy. seeing the dismay and annoyance in their leader's eyes Young Sook's minions suggest her name for the next performance. she sings and dances on a hilarious number with her friends/minions. A cheerful Joong Gil goes back home to find his father, grand mother and brother, who has recently cleared bar exam entrance and thus made his family proud, eating dinner.His presence is not acknowledged by anyone other than his brother who silently nods at him. he trots back to his room.
 Next day Young sook is pushing a really heavy cart loaded with water barrels, solely to the function organised by Joong gil's family in the honor of his brother. Young sook's family is in charge of catering food and drinks. Joong gil who is smoking with monkey 1 &2 in one corner, when he finds young sook is taking off the water barrels from the cart he motions the two monkeys to help her. he gets into an argument with his father over the biased division of work between him and his brother. At school MONKEY 1 who was busy peeping under girl's skirts, is taken to an empty classroom by young sook's gang and is forced to give information about  Joong Gil's likes & dislikes. 

When Joong gil finds latest track shoes on his desk he asks monkey 1,who replies that they may or may not be a gift from Young sook. he angrily goes to her class to demand an answer but quickly accepts the shoes when she offers to take them back. He gleefully tries them on in the train' storage compartment where they are snatched from him by Gwang sik. 

over the period of time Joong gil uses all his tricks to charm So-hee but all his efforts are thwarted either by Young sook or by other circumstances. Their class goes off to a field trip to help some farmers in their work. There So hee is who is standing in the middle of paddy field, all of a sudden starts screaming and Joong gil the knight rushes to the rescue of damsel. he takes her in his arms and runs to a ground where he finds a leech stuck on her calf as the source of her discomfort. claiming it could be poisonous he sucks off the "poison" from her legs much to the chagrin of young sook and his other ex girlfriends ( this guy is really lecherous) 

                              The lecherous knight sucking off "poisonous" leech off damsel's leg

He waits for So hee who is inside a local dispensary till late in night and offers her a ride back to her home on his bicycle. when she refuses, he keeps pedaling the cycle and after overtaking her gets down from it & waits for her with the cycle's headlight on. Making sure in this way she would not be scared of dark and would be able to walk in right direction as she is still not familiar with the routes. he repeats the same process many times till she reaches the bus stop safely. Even after she boards the bus he keeps following from behind on his cycle

At night Mr. Lee sneaks into Ms. Na's room with his shoes in his hands. She grumbles  to his deaf ears about having such discreet meetings. Finally she complains loudly about the lack of courage in Mr. Lee's character and also gives him example of Joong gil's bold approach. Mr. lee calls his "bold" approach his lasciviousness. she retorts back that one has to be bold and she appreciates such trait in her man. Mr. lee finally relents and offers to be more bold too. he steels his nerve and slowly moves in for a kiss but Ms. Na farts at the end moment (ugh.....smelly mood killer..hehehe) In order to let the air out when he tries to open the window subtly she asks him if the smell is that hard to bear.she tells him how love can make people accept everything about each other including their smell (ROFL) 

                                     poor guy is owned and schooled by his teacher..khekhe

After the whole fiasco Mr. lee gets thoroughly devoured (kissed) by a passionate Ms. Na.

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