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Friday, March 27, 2015


Chapter 2: Jiang Li is a pervert (1)

Today is Wednesday. As I mentioned earlier, I had recently quit my job and had lots of free time at hand. I came for the blind date to kill some time because I did not need to go to work today. Why Jiang Li did not go to work? Perhaps he was also unemployed like me.

A BMW car was parked stylishly on the dusty road in my residential society. I let Jiang Li wait in the car and violently ran up to my room to grab my household/family registration book. Today my mother had to visit my aunt in the hospital, so I used the opportunity. I was not afraid of my mother opposing this marriage, the old woman was really anxious to get me married. If she knew there was someone actually interested in me, she would happily send me off in a pretty packing. The main problem is that old people, these days, read too many novels and see too much television and thus have developed a unique characteristic that is they are too long winded especially old women. My mother if she knew I have a suitor (ugh, Jiang Li could be regarded as my “Suitor”), together with my paternal aunt, maternal aunt and all other relatives would assess the poor guy from all the angles without giving him any break and grill him so much that he would either go crazy or would think my family is crazy. So in both the situations the outcome would not be good.

So, I strutted in to the bedroom that my mother and I share (I could not sleep alone).open the drawers of the closet, eventually pulled out a folder that contained a pile of all kind of papers.  There was an excellence award sheet from my elementary school, certificate from a debate contest in university together with my graduation diploma and other relevant certificates. My mother was like that, obsessed with certificates; in her eyes for building a family one must have certificates, Funny. In this huge pile the only certificate missing was my parent’s divorce certificate. I could not help but feel sad about it for a moment and regret silently. It was not until the mobile beeped with Xiao Jiang Li’s message that reminded me he was waiting impatiently for me in his car; I hurriedly packed up relevant family registration papers and rushed downstairs.

Jiang Li hit the steering wheel and sarcastically said: “Your family registration book was hidden quite deep enough.”

"You flatter me too much," I tucked the book into the pocket of my bag, wiped sweat and said, "Okay, with this done, now all we need is your book……..where do you live?"

Jiang Li started the car and looking straight ahead said: "No need, I brought along mine."

Me: "... .."

God, this man brought his family registration book with him on blind date?
He really was a weird man…very strange.

Today there were not many people at the marriage registrar office. So our marriage registration process went smoothly.

So they got Married....Hurray!! Throw Confetti

At the time of payment, Jiang li took out his wallet but I quickly pulled out some ten dollars bills, smiled deeply “this time, this time let me pay.” He had invited me for the lunch; I could not keep taking advantage of his chivalry shamelessly, ok?

The Commissioner, who was registering our marriage, looked at Jiang Li, probably out of consideration for Jiang li’s dignity; he did not take my ten dollars bills. Unexpectedly, Jiang Li waved off his hand, said: “Forget it; after all we are going to be a family shortly.”

The commissioner in a low tone muttered, “Huh,” his voice filled with the contempt for those who wear a skirt in relationship.*fortunately I was standing in the front so I heard him clearly but did not know Jiang Li, who was at the back heard him or not. Jiang Li well, really sorry but please this once let me flaunt….

T/N : *here the commissioner thought that Jiang li was a kept man ie. Guan Xiao Yan was the bread and butter winner in their relationship. And she fervently wished for him to let it pass so that she could be “hero” this one time.

After coming out of the marriage certificate registration office, I took a deep breath, muttered: "no longer a bachelorette but still single, this truly is a fulfilling outcome aaaa……………”

Jiang Li gave me a scornful glance, and unreservedly said: “You are really a strange woman.”
I gave him a relaxed smile: "The compliment is flattering; at least now I don’t have to go on blind dates anymore."

Jiang Li did not refute my words; turned towards the parked car and started walking, said: "Our wedding is now legal, you should be ready."

It was obvious that like me, he was never interested in the talk of marriage, but that did not mean he could defy the orders of “that person.” In this world there is only one “person” who can force their children to do anything that is their mother and no one else.

Automatically, I started thinking about my mother. Should I or should I not tell her that I got married? Forget it, should postpone it for now. It was best to avoid the inevitable storm as much as was possible. Poor little Jiang li there was a tremendous pressure on the top of his head  to get married as well, right?

Jiang Li asked me if he needed to send me home, I waved my hands and said no, I did not want to go home at the moment.
So he quickly got in his car and drove away in a lightning-fast speed.
Damn, his name is apt, break the bridge over the river! **

T/N his name, Jiang Li, means bridge over the river. I guess the joke is lost in translation.

And so, two people got married freely and then smoothly went back to their respective home separately to find their mother….. Of course, I did not return home and he did not necessarily go back to look for his mother, it’s just an analogy, hehe ..


  1. Aaa~ thanks for a new update, I'm really grateful :D

    1. Not a problem will see a new interesting character in the next post...keep reading!!!

  2. Hi Pratii �� Thank you for translating this, I wanted to read this using google translate before but I gave up since it was not really readable, caused me a headache. I wanted to post comment earlier but I got some difficulty with the profile name, so needed some times to figure out the right way. I am looking forward to read next chapters.

    1. Hey lunaris...yeah the novel is not only lengthy but also quite difficult to understand via Google translator that's because it's from xiao guan's pov n this girl has a really twisted mindset!

  3. Thank you----!
    Ah---this is hilarious! Adorable, adorable! I can't help it, it's interesting!

  4. Your blog is cool and this is a great site. I read a few posts and I liked them.
    It is very difficult to meet soul mate, life has no meaning without love
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    I thought online dating would be a good start but no luck so far.

  5. Thank you....this is really funny and cute....

  6. thank you for the hard work :3

  7. Got married and went their separate ways. wow!
    Thank you for this translation

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