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Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Chapter 17.1

 What makes Xiao Yan's character lovable is her ability to make even a cliched arc of the story special. Anyways I just hope I will able to release the next post on time, Amen to that!

Chapter 17: First day on the job (1)

XXX advertising company is certainly not a small scale company since it has a little name in the advertising world. Naturally, this was specified in the document ‘brief introduction of the company’ that Wang Kai sent me over; I was not sure about the exact situation. Anyways, these days bragging was not illegal, as long as you had thick skin you could deceive anyone.

Once I saw the company’s address, I stared at it for a long time since it seemed more and more familiar to me; eventually I realized that this company was a part of multinational group, Southern Star Corporation. Earlier I had bought some shares of this company, on He Zhi’s insistence and later on discovered the price of those shares kept increasing more and more. Even though the number of shares I bought at that time was small but the profit generated was very high, that’s why Southern Star Corporation had left a profound impression in my mind.

So with in a second, image of XXX advertising company soared high, like a rocket, in my eyes. For ordinary people like me, people who give benefit to you are most pleasing to eyes…..of course, except unjust enrichment.

Thus I made up my mind to work in this XXX advertising company, anyways Wang Kai was also company’s HR director, so as long as the people working there were considerably sensible then the result should be plausible, I thought shamelessly.


In order to leave a good first impression on my new boss, the next morning I got up very early, carefully chose my outfit and did my makeup. When Jiang Li saw me so elegantly dressed, unlike my regular style, he curiously asked: “are you going on a date?”

"No, I am going to work." Finally being able to sing the song of working people and saying goodbye to the status of ‘Jiang Li’s private maid’ was very exciting, it’s worth the cheers!!

Jiang Li disdainfully said: "You stay at home; I will give you salary for that."

Pheh, like I cared! I proudly raised my head and said: “As a woman of this new modern era becoming strong and successful is my ultimate goal, please understand this.”

Jiang Li said, in a more contemptuous tone said: "You becoming a successful woman is, as it is, not an easy task but you also want to be a strong woman.”

I was angry: "Who cannot become a successful person? And I have quite a lot more feminine charms than you!”

"Whatever, anyways in the past who was called names like tomboy by other kids, not me certainly.” Jiang Li said, while blatantly ignoring me went straight to the kitchen.

Hey, hey, hey, this kid was really good! I realized that I always dug hole to bury myself in and Jiang Li never missed the opportunity to step all over me, how sad was that!

Jiang Li could not gloat for long; he turned around in the kitchen and angrily rushed out towards me: “Where is the breakfast?”

I did not pay him any attention. Noting good would come out of his rubbish, since I had to juggle with so many tasks early in the morning, why would I waste my efforts to serve him!

Jiang Li in a disbelieving tone said: “it took you whole morning to smear this chaos on your face?” I thought that Jiang Li fared worse than me in literature. That’s why the beautifully done makeup became ‘smear this chaos’ in his words, how horrible….

Because my mood was good, so I did not bother about this guy, tidy up to go out.

Just thinking about the depressed look on Jiang Li’s face today, I was going to have a little schadenfreude. In the past I was bullied a lot by him, today I returned a bit of that favor to him.

Considering I was being referred by Wang Kai thus I planned to look for Wang Kai so that not only he would take me along to see the Vice President but also would give me some much needed motivation, having an old acquaintance at your new work place was for sure a very good thing.

I went to the front desk of the advertising company XXX, told the female receptionist: "I'm looking for the head of Human resources."

Lady looked at me, politely smiled and said: "May I ask Miss Xiao Guan Yan to follow me, please? Mr. Wang Kai is waiting for you."

I timidly looked at her, nodded once and then followed her to the elevator.

Miss receptionist took me to one of the cabin like office; on the plaque hanging on its door ‘Vice President’ was written. I mentally contemplated, Wang Kai might not look like so but was really attentive since he was already waiting for me in the Vice President’s office.

So I happily marched in. I thought I would see Wang Kai’s silhouette as soon as I would open the door but when I entered the office there was only one person in the room.

This person was sitting at the desk, holding a newspaper in front of his face while reading it.

I cleared my throat purposely and respectfully said: "Hello Sir, I am your new secretary, Xiao Guan Yan."

The man slowly put down the newspaper, revealing his face which was being hidden by the newspaper. Other than the handsome features the most special thing about his face was that subtle smile on his lips.

That face did not belong to any stranger but to the person whom I knew as Wang Kai.

At this point of time I felt like a rookie actor holding a wrong script standing on her debut stage, standing there and still did not know what to do. In the end who could tell me exactly what was going on?

Wang Kai leaned over his chair, leisurely said: "Secretary Yan, you lack sickness since we last parted.*”

*you are looking as healthy as ever, nice to see you again.


  1. Haha, never would I have a chance to read upon associating makeup with " smear this chaos on your face".
    Thank you for this great laughter. Jiang Li will be pouting as Xiao Guan Yan resumes her days as a career woman.

  2. XD just want to say thank you for translating this novel, lol. I want to comment in every chapter but it sounds weird, right? the MC is kind of refreshing for me~ I am glad I found this site now~ I hope you will continue to translate this novel...

  3. Thanks for translating! This novel is so funny hahah... did Wang Kai hanged up early last chapter just to create this job for our female lead?

  4. Wow oh wow...this is going to be kai and xiao yan together!?
    Seems like Jiang lI will have some competition. ....
    Thank you for the update! :)

  5. Jiang Li must be rich also if he can afford not to have his wife work. Wonder who is richer between Wang Kai and Jiang Li?

    In this chapter there's another trait of Yan Yan's character revealed that I like. She's independent and is certainly not a freeloader.

  6. Hi What happen to Chap 16 ???

  7. This is a disaster.Wang Kai Is a wolf.And Guan Yan is a little sheep. Jiang Li will have to become the huntsman and save her.Question is will she let him?
    Thank you for this chapter translation

  8. Im really liking WK more than JL.

    JL is just a mean roommate, but KW brings out her flirty side.
