Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Hey everyone, I am currently in the middle of moving half across the globe. At present my mind is going through severe emotional roller coaster. Though I am excited for a new place and new country but I am nostalgic, sad and depressed too since I have to leave so many people and things behind. I know that the move was an impromptu decision by my husband's company and nothing can be done about it yet I have been moping and crying since last week. So yesterday I decided to put an end to my misery by starting a movie/ drama marathon, watched tiny times 1, 2 and 3 back to back then picked up cruel romance, finished it off this morning and started watching Kill me heal me but what I forget while watching all this fiction junk was that I have an early morning flight to catch on Friday and I have yet not finished packing and as if that's not enough, even right now I am emending my future posts.....Yay To Bad decisions.

Anyways people don't worry about the Novel or movie as I will be posting them at my regular pace, thanks to my reservoir. It would take me about a month to get settled at my new home and hopefully by then things would look better till then you guys keep reading. May Almighty bless our endeavor! Wish me good luck people......

P.S. I am sorry for the random post published earlier, I blame my sleepless and tired brain for the screw-up. I apologize once again for spoiling the story for some of the readers. Kindly overlook whatever you read...:P

Chapter 5: The Dinner (1)

My mother was indeed back, at this time she was busy cooking in the kitchen, after seeing the first thing she said was: "You did not leave with Jiang Li, eh?"

I sweated: “always sticking together is old, ah, have to maintain a sense of freshness." Instead who wanted to be with him at the first place!

My mother sharply condemned me: "you two have enough freshness, you met only yesterday."

While helping my mother in peeling the onions, I said: "Never mind, anyway after marriage we can spend each day together." After getting married too I would not have to pay him any heed…. That was the sincere sound of my heart.

My mother just took the onions I peeled, apologetically said: "I thought you were together with him, so I just made only one meal."

Me: "......"

My mother did not like to eat the leftovers, did not like to waste, so always cooked according to the number of mouths to be fed, unless encountering special circumstances, such as not sure exactly how many mouths are to be fed, of course, situations like this were rare.

Now I really wanted to flip the table, anger rising up, Xiao Qi Ling [my mother's name] you’re really my biological mother, how could you be so anxious to rush me out like that?

My mother really despised the indignation mustering in my eyes, and then took out some noodles, began chopping them. Although I was half a head taller than her but her spirit was absolutely a head higher than me.

I suddenly felt that God created me to meet the contempt of people, to satisfy their pride and self-esteem. My future husband despised me, my best friend despised me, my mother despised me!....The UN should have considered to give me an award for special dedication or not?

Bowing my head down I returned to the living room, leaning on the sofa watched TV. Looked around for my mobile and picked up to see if anyone still remember me or not.

Well, there were a few missed calls. I opened them, oh holy goodness, this guy’s really relentless.

It was Jiang Li, Again.

I opened the message box, only one message, which was also from Jiang Li: ‘after all what are you doing?’

Somehow I was a little wary, did not dare to call him back, so first preemptively checking, sent him a private message: ‘Why do you always take advantage of the time when my phone is not in my hands?”

Very quickly, he replied back: ‘Travelling?’

I knew that ‘travelling’ word was a retort. So I was very calm but irritated: ‘quickly SMS me if you have something to say. I am busy.’

Jiang Li: ‘inconvenient to answer the phone?’

I hesitated to calculate seemed like a little chat with him would be nothing more than losing a bit of money, so I called him.

Rang for a moment then Jiang Li picked up from the other side.

Me: "You did not just want to hear my voice, right?" Anyway he was gay, so joking a bit was okay.

Jiang Li: "you actually have a very rich imagination choose a time for your family to come and eat a meal with my family."

I probably got carried away because he praised my imagination, my brain short-circuited, foolishly asked: "What about you?" I said it out of reaction and immediately regretted, was about to open my mouth to save my remaining pride then from the other side Jiang Li’s voice came out.

He said: "I never knew I married a stupid wife."

He added: "Could you give me some face in front of my parents, don’t let them doubt my taste."

I was angry, sarcastically provoked him: "I am sorry, sold goods are not refundable."

He said slowly: "Don’t want to return, because basically don’t want to use it."

I was really calm; anyway, I had heard generally gay men also dislike seeing women, his little disdain was completely normal. So I reminded him: "So, when another person wants to use it you don’t mind it as well.”  If a handsome person of normal orientation suddenly falls from the sky in front of me then shouldn't I also be slightly shameless to look at one?

He did not seem to want to discuss this matter with me anymore, so got back to the story: "So, when are you available? How about tonight? "

"You wait a bit." I covered the phone, yelled toward the kitchen: "Mom, today in the evening we are invited to a banquet with food, do you want to go or not?"

My mother's voice mixed with the hissing sound of frying vegetables echoed: "going, but food must be delicious!”

So I re-raised the mobile to my ear, telling Jiang Li: "Okay, you select the time & location, my mom does not like to eat the Western food, rest anything is fine, the focus is that the chef’s craft has to be absolutely perfect, my mother is very picky. "

Jiang Li just said "okay" a sound, immediately hung up. The two people as if negotiating purchase, did not even say goodbye.


  1. Thanks for the translation!!!
    it seems like their love story is slow...
    i hope your move will be smooth!!! Good luck!

    1. hey, thank u ....i m in dire need of this thing called 'good luck'
      anyways, yeah their love story is kinda slow, but it's full of spices, there's not a single chapter which fails to invoke some sorta emotion in your heart while reading it....

  2. Thanks a lot----!
    Their interactions are hilarious----! Also, ooh, a dinner time with the whole family! (Excluding her father, of course) time to meet the in-laws----!

  3. Thank you....hahaha.."don't let.them doubt my taste".....

  4. Oh this man is funny.This will be some dinner party
