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Monday, April 27, 2015



Next day, Sidhu and his friends go to temple while Sidhu's are jesting him about his dream girl he accidentally bumps head with a young girl, Hasini. He quickly apologizes and moves ahead taunting his friends that their notion about love is too 'filmy'. they cant expect him to fall in love randomly just like now when he collided with that girl. Hasini calls him back and asks him how could he just walk off after hitting her. He mentions that he did apologize but she reverts back that apology wont save her from a dog's bite. He is bewildered and asks the meaning of her words, she explains that does he not know that if two people bump heads with each other once then a dog would bite them. so in order to avoid that situation they should re-bump their head. Sidhu finds her explanation sweet. they bump head again and she leaves.


Though Sidhu keeps following her silently in the temple, she is apparently there to pray for her Maths test's result. Her little antics ( like when she is talking to God on her own or when she distributes stolen God's offering between other devotees or praying for a guy who teased her in college to get in
to an accident without getting injured) mesmerizes him enough to ask his friends to find out her address.(STALKER ALERT people....hehehe)

When Sidhu and his friends are waiting in their car outside Hasini's home, her dad is busy doing house chores while she leisurely gets ready for college. when her dad, who is a retired boxer recieves a call informing him about a prospected meeting for 'bride seeing' Hasini informs him how she is trying to hook him up with her widowed Maths lecturer. In this way her life both at home and at college would become easier. Her father, tired of fending off the guys who try to woo her, keeps looking at her from the balcony while sending her off to bus stop against her wishes. Once Sidhu sees her, he rushes to the bus stop and tries to invite her for a cup of coffee. she chides him, calls him an idiot and leaves. He feels irritated but on his friends insistence decides to confront her about name-calling. They go to her college. Co-incidentally Sidhu and gang are alumni of her college.

At college, he again approaches her and asks her on what basis did she call him idiot. since they already had met earlier in temple, he just wanted to invite her for coffee. She questions back why was he at her home, what if her father had seen him. He stiffens after hearing the word 'father' and retreats after apologizing. but she stops him by saying is that it. on his questioning looks she tells him that if it's ok with him then they should go and have a chat over a cup of coffee. when he asks her why does she want to talk to him she says to analyze her character. She takes him to Secundrabad (the story takes place in Hyderabad and it's quite far off from Secunderabad) to Minerva 'world's best coffee' on the way her totally opposite towards life and cheerful attitude attracts him further. (how she calls him on his fashion sense, her completely non-funny jokes and random but cute quirks)  Her so called Minerva turns out to be a run down coffee shop where she knows almost everyone. Her coffee drinking style ( a unique way to hold the cup and moaning loudly with each slip) though somewhat embarrasses but he still likes it. when he asks her assessment about him she calls him idiot but this time he just smiles.

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